Indian tricky journey towards an “innocent” country, being "troubled" by its “terrorist” neighbors, including Kashmiri “terrorists”, is indeed interesting. Soon after it gained independence from Great Britain , India went on to annex its neighboring Jammu Kashmir on fictitious pretexts and hurriedly brought the free nation of Kashmiris into the Indian Union and started its empire building spree. Sikkim Kingdom was later coerced to join Indian Union as a state.
On domestic front, broadly speaking, Hindus take it their prerogative to treat the Muslim employees the way they think fit. The Hindus think that a few Muslims, employed in government or private sector services, are serfs of modern India and are at their on mercy and they are in jobs not because of the qualifications and hard work or experiences of Muslims. So, the Hindus expect the Muslims to do whatever is expected of them with a sense of satisfaction and smile or else face severe consequences, leading to loss of jobs.
In many cases Muslims are used to plot against other Muslim employees and if they do a "good job" of it, they are “duly” paid and even promoted. Indian Muslims are denied their due "democratic" share in national development in jobs and education Not only that. Many Muslims who don't play into the hands of these “innocent” Hindus and or refuse to take insult as a routine matter are being forced to quit serves, but they are also denied retirement or retrenchment benefits.
In its neighborhoods, India creates every possible obstacle to pull back the onward economic and political march of Pakistan and Bangladesh , besides terrorizing the Kashmiris and denying them their sovereignty taken back by brutal force by India in 1947. In spite all international pressure and the continued struggle by patriotic Kashmiris India still refuses to surrender their freedom and Indian media are busy in branding them as “terrorists”.
By making full use of emerging so-called Cold war, India forged a strong alliance with the then Soviet Union for economic and security cooperation and sought its support for its ambition for retaining Kashmir, for its atrocities on Pakistanis and, later, Bangladeshis in the form of subversive activities in these countries. India obtained weapons and technology from the Soviet Union and its allies and built up weapons arsenals to threaten Kashmiris and Pakistanis. Russia even helped its “friend” in Asia to blast nuclear weapons, thereby further threatening Pakistan and causing it severe economic problems buy generating an arms race in the region.
By modeling itself on the super powers of the time India too aimed at same goal in the region. When the USSR fell India was still weighing its chances to replacing Russia as the second super power. The Sept 11 came handy to India in advancing that pursuit vehemently by targeting Muslims and the so-called “Islamic fundamentalism” but USA did not mind Indian utterances. Indian big business magnets also join the terror minded strategists in New Delhi to serve as terror-lords abetting the Indian subversive activities in Kashmir , Pakistan and Bangladesh .
India is a close anti-Islamic ally of Israel too conducting lucrative arms trade with it. But India very cleverly uses the self-styled Indian Muslim outfits to influence the Arab world and fool them about its Israeli connections. Arabs fighting for the Palestine state are fooled by India not to pursue the issue Kashmir sovereignty, because Kashmir occupied by Indian terrorist forces is already a part of Indian Union. Arabs, unmoved by Hindu atrocities on Muslims and the destruction of Islamic institutions, including the grand Babri Mosque, are extra happy about their business with cash rich India.
Tragedy of Kashmiris as being the subjects of Indian brutality is no secret as more and more secret graveyards are being discovered in Kashmir. The so-called Indian Doctrine seeks to retain Kashmir and keep its neighbors in perpetual strife and ruins. Indians view Islam as a threat and hence they want to contain it in all possible ways including unleashing terror. Indian destructive role in Nepal is known to the world. Though Nepal is also reeling under Indian doctrine, Indian game plan in the region is dangerous for its Islamic neighbors, especially Pakistan and Bangladesh . While China , the economic giant in this part of the globe and the only UNSC veto member, can withstand any kind of pressure tactics of India and give back in the same token, but that is not the case with Pakistan , Bangladesh and Kashmir . Only Bhutan tires to play a good boy with New Delhi by taking advantages of economic-weapon arsenals in India .
The Indian Doctrine has been an impressive destabilization campaign, combining suicide bombings with threats of taking out Pakistani nukes and open about the breakup of the Pakistani homeland. India labors in Afghanistan to destabilize Pakistan and in North East to break Bangladesh after creating dislocations in the country. The ultimate goal of Indian massive operation in Afghanistan-Pakistan borders is “to help New Delhi in the foreign policy objective of destabilizing Islamic Pakistan, breaking the monopoly of the ISI and army over Pakistan . New Delhi aims to break the stranglehold of the intelligence agencies, the bureaucracy and the military in Pakistan and Bangladesh . And India is good at crying loudly of its “terrorist” neighbors.
Indian government seeks to a creative approach to expand Indian intelligence operations in Pakistan , Bangladesh and in the region, inspired an ambitious Pakistan-specific plan after 9/11, exploiting the unprecedented uncertainty on the ground in the Pakistan-Afghanistan region. By 2007, India was in the advanced stages of executing an ambitious intelligence operation suspected of having substantially contributed to the multiple and unprecedented security challenges that Pakistan faced in its western regions in the period between 2004 and early 2008.
Indian subversive strategies are too delicate to read between lines. A small incident in Karachi in September 2007 gave Pakistani policy strategists a rare glimpse into the larger game plan of New Delhi pretending to be an “innocent” nation in the region all the time. The incident fitted a pattern and provided clues to the unfortunate role played by some actors in India , apart from the sitting government there, in compounding Pakistan 's problems on our western borders. Recent Jaipur terrorist actions of India probably for cricket reasons is not condemned by Indian media because they do share the booty and a have long time stake in hiding the truth and pretending to be awfully innocent.
One more example would testify the point here. Disregarding the International Law and conventions on water sharing, India continues to construct dams on the major rivers flowing to both Pakistan and Bangladesh, thereby causing innumerable problems to both, detrimental to their developmental projects and irrigation. By restricting water flow by closing dams constructed at various points on major rivers during sunny days, India unleashes irrigational impediments, and during the rainy seasons India causes floods in Pakistan and Bangladesh by releasing plenty of water from dams. Since India claims tobe innocnet it doe snot understand the tribulations of its neighbors.
Indian dream of becoming a friend of USA troubles New Delhi and it is keen to see the Pakistan-US ties break down for that. But strategists know that the long cherished US dream by India can never be realized. However, India gives it a try. After losing its hold over the USSR which became Russia and began demanding cost price for weapons, technology and other services, India slowly moved on to the enter the wings of the USA which otherwise despises it. New cash obtained from privatization and liberalization of public sector undertakings belonging to the common people in the country, New Delhi set out for weapon purchases in world market and bought arms and technology from countries including USA , UK , Israel , France and South Africa .
The chief idea behind all this is to forge a so-called strategic partnership with USA and Israel to fight Islam under disguise. But India also tried to enter into a tri format with Russia and China , but both of them know the Indian mindset and hence India is not quite satisfied with the emerging situation. USA does not like Indian posture in East Asia , and China does not like Indian movements on its borders. Russia obviously is annoyed about Indian treachery when it has got new cash.
However, adding to Indian worries, world is unhappy over Indian continued occupation of Kashmir and Russia which used to support Indian case also disapproves of that now. That makes one point clear to India that it has to surrender sovereignty to Kashmir so as to forge meaningful dialog with countries across the globe.
With mere empty slogans about its democratic and secular records when Muslims around are killed by it, India cannot keep dreaming about a truly democratic nation, let alone a super power status in the region by enacting all its "strategic dreams". Neither an anti-neighbors Doctrine nor the nuclear weapons nor even its vast global propagandas machinery can help India join the real team of great nations. Nor can pretensions of innocence and greatness win friends in today‘s world where every one can play the same drama equally well, if not better.
So long as Indian media continue to play dirty games with Muslims in the country, in stead of performing their worth in treating Muslims as equal citizens and fight for their legitimate concerns and rights, India cannot be expected to change its policies in the country. But in case of foreign policy matters, Indian strategists should use media to high light the problems Kashmiris, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are facing due to Indian dirty interferences and mischief.
But Indian media and strategist quite innocently repeat that Indian is an innocent country. An aggressive invader, a terrorist occupier, a killer of Kashmiris, a chronic subverter of neighbors, a tormentor of domestic Muslims and an intolerant Hindutva nation is also an innocent country—the Indian English dictionary has now got many more synonyms for the lexical item "innocent".
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