Monday 2 November 2009

Does Anyone Doubt an Iranian, Islamic, or Terrorist Nuke On Obama's Watch?

The confidently-expressed view of liberal and main-stream media regarding the acquisition of WMD - including nuclear weaponry by rogue nations (e.g. Saddam Hussein/Iraq in the past, Iran and North Korea today) - has always been to minimize the imminence of threat, to push such back in time, to call for never-ending diplomacy and "meetings", but never military pre-emption or meaningful sanctions. Now however, with more than three years remaining in Obama's term in office - there is apparently no one of knowledge who thinks the world's "safe time" until such a development obtains - will exceed Obama's tenure. And although this potentially catastrophic consequence certainly dwarfs the economic issues on the Obama plate, little is heard of this ticking time bomb, which can only be described as nightmarish. Extremist-terrorists openly advertise their intentions, and every day there is headlined proof of intent and capability with conventional common-place explosive devices - the killings of some dozens of innocents, even fellow Muslims, in various locales all over the world. If suicide killers are so readily solicited to kill a handful of "infidels" in a back-water locale, one can only shudder to think of how fanaticism-driven zeal will clamor to blow up a million people in a major city in the US or a European capital!

From all the indications from the White House, it appears that other issues are on the front burner of administration attention: first Health Care, then Unemployment, then of course Afghanistan, and certainly concerns over Global Warming with its idealistic Cap-and-Trade approach. But, will the nuclear threat keep? Will foreign diplomacy succeed to change the promised plans of Iran? Has foreign diplomacy (essentially bribery) ever really worked - or has this past century proven that it is only the US military that has kept the world's rogue leaders and countries from willful excesses? Will Russia and China help a pleading America? Hardly - their self-interested rejections of cooperation with the US re sanctions has been so obvious as to be embarrassing. Perhaps Europe? But there is hardly any potential hope there either - many observers of the European scene regard it as a tragedy-in-process, that Europe is experiencing a "death wish" - the becoming an "Islamic continent" in only a few more decades is so well along that it is inevitable.

Despite Obama's heavy hand on Israel, does his (disproportionately Jewish) staff think Israel will really await their own promised destruction without attempting something?

What is going to happen?

Aaron Kolom qualifies as a "rocket scientist" with over 50 years aerospace engineering: Stress Analyst to Chief of Structural Sciences on numerous military aircraft, to Corp. Director Structures and Materials, Asst. Chief Engineer Space Shuttle Program through first three flights (awarded NASA Public Service Medal), Rockwell International Corp.; Program Manager Concorde SST, VP Engineering TRE Corp.; Aerospace Consultant.

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